Entries by Sandra Marinella

Holding to Hope

Recently I mailed my granddaughter Macy a copy of a book, Esperanza Rising. It is a book about a young girl who faces many hard losses—her father, her home. I thought a book that held to hope might help Macy navigate the hard bumps that might come of living through this unusual time. When I […]

Embracing Peace in a Pandemic

Two weeks ago as the coronavirus was silently stealing into our lives, I made my usual weekly trip to Costco. But, of course, it was not my usual weekly trip. It was sheer mayhem! People were pushing and shoving, grabbing boxes, crashing carts into one another. Elbows poised for attack. Faces wiped of smiles. The […]


Life can be difficult. I just finished a class at Integrative Medicine at Mayo Clinic where my writers tapped into dozens of stories– the story of a woman who had the courage to leave her wheel-chair bound but abusive husband, the story of an award-winning engineer who was unexpectedly laid off, the story of a […]