Storycatchers 2024 – SOLD OUT
Storycatchers – Six Monthly Writing Workshops
with Sandra Marinella (registration below)
Do you have a story? Of course, we all do! We are even defined by the stories we hold in us. Stories can help us understand ourselves. They can heal us. They can help us find personal meaning and positive ways of framing and experiencing our lives. Writing stories can help us grow, and sharing our stories with others in community or through publication can help others.
If you want to write poems, stories, a memoir, a novel, etc., you are invited to join a community of writers who come together once a month for inspiration, a prompt, time for writing, and reading or discussing our work in a small or large group. Writers of all levels are welcome to write, read, and share their work in a caring and confidential community. You will be coached by Sandra in the science of storytelling and writing. You will learn not only how to craft top-notch stories, but also how you can use story writing to craft personal well-being and resilience. Enrollment will be limited.
VENUE: Interactive Zoom Workshop Sponsored by The Story You Need to Tell Project
DATES: Second Thursday of each month—January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, and June 6 (first Thursday) 2024.
TIME: 10-12 am PT
COST: Choose your preference on the registration form.
$90 covers the cost for all six sessions Jan—June, 2024.
$20 helps someone in need to attend.
SCHOLARSHIPS: write to Sandra, [email protected].
Storycatchers Registration 2025 - DO NOT USE
Jan through June 2025 Workshops