
Story You Need to Tell Children as TeachersStory You Need to Tell

Children as Teachers

The Christmas season began with the traditional sleep-over for…
Giving Invisible Gifts Story You Tell BlogThe Story You Need to Tell

Giving Invisible Gifts

I am digging through the Christmas boxes when I see an image…
Story You Need to Tell Honoring VeteransThe Story You Need to Tell

The Veteran

As they drove by, they spat at him. They flung half-filled beer…
Sandra Marinellas Breast Cancer Journals

Finding a Bit of Beauty

Seven years ago I sat on the edge of a black velvet chair in…
Katie's Story, Sandra MarinellaThe Story You Need to TEll

Katie’s Story

Katie held up her portfolio of drawings, pleased that I had asked…
Story You Need to Tell - Walk In the WoodsStory You Need to Tell

Tiny Dancer

When I packed, I rediscovered a simple silver dragonfly.  I…
Defeating Self DoubtStory You Tell

Defeating Self-Doubt

Max came to class today. Uninvited. Unwanted.  I always think…
Promising YouthStory You Need to Tell

All Youth Are Promising Youth

Her skinny legs wobble as she teeters on the heels she borrowed…
Somewhere Over the Rainbow Sandra Marinella BlogStory You Need to Tell

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

The voice is alto, and it is a voice that has never fully understood…